Sunday, June 28, 2009

View your itinerary

I leave for Korea in less than 24 hours. Laura said yesterday I was being a bit over the top withholding names, so I'll start using them.
I had the interview at the consulate on Thursday. What a riot: the tiny interview room was about twenty degrees colder than the welcoming reception area where most of the administration happens and it really made for an intimidating experience. I was asked the typical, expected questions and I was back out to meet Joelle for the final visa stamp on my passport. This is really happening!
After a ridiculously small amount of sleep on Friday night, Joelle picked me up on Saturday and I made the unexpected trip to Toronto for our last goodbyes with the girls there. I drove along Lakeshore the whole way from Oakville and I can't help but say that I'm really going to miss Ontario. It is really pretty here and though the lake is not suitable for swimming, it sure is picturesque. Leanne and Mark's new place is really nice and just perfect for them. It was hard to say goodbye to Leanne AGAIN...seems we have had more goodbyes than the average couple.

I headed to Quebec Ave next and I must say I am so proud of Laura and Jesse for taking the homeownership plunge. What a palace this place is...I can really see a future there for them. I agreed with Laura though: it will be strange to not be around for this part of their lives.

(Remember this?)

Here's Laura and Jesse in their new backyard....

Leanne and Mark just got a new puppy! Her name is Cali.

*** Please note that I think it is absolutely ridiculous that I don't have a picture of Alicia and Dave...they were my surrogate PARENTS, housing me, feeding me, eating what food I fed them. You'll have to send one to me for me to put up :) Sorry.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Adventure Begins

It is so hard to say where to start. I want this blog to diarize my move to Asia but also to explain how I got there (since I'm not there yet) and allow those I love to add some comments as they read about my adventures. That sounds like a mission statement. Keeping in mind that this is a public blog, I'll keep the actual names of those I love ("til"...can I start my own shortforms already?) private.

So I had this incredibly strange notion that it was time to do some exploring. I had recently gone through a mega life change to say the very least: a ghost from Relationship Past had become my Relationship Present and is thankfully now, my Relationship Past once again. This of course left me with a few things lingering: a house (gulp), complete sadness coupled with complete elation at times, and a future looming before me. In the words of a wise old boss of mine, "it is what it is" and life really did move on.

I moved from my hometown (and site of The House) to a Gated Community near my new school. I lived a preeeetty cushy life there, thanks to the undying support and love from the L family, who I love as my own. I went to Teachers College and just recently gradutated with distinction. Snap. In the words of the UWO Dean who confirred my degree on me, "Adventures abound". You're telling me.

I flitted about for a bit, lived with new friends from Althouse, and returned to my old place of employment where I met my new wise employer. It was him (now you have someone to blame, dad) who said I should go overseas. I was lucky enough to travel in with P and her adorable little A everyday, making the loooong commute totally enjoyable. So after returning every weekend back to the Hometown and staying with the incredibly supportive A and D (and of course, the oft-visiting J), I have officially moved in. In the midst of going to the consulate in Toronto and getting documentation ready, I am poolside and loving it. My life has really ironed itself out. However, may it be said that without the loving and incredibly supportive friends and family of mine, I would have NEVER been able to make it this far. Thus, it is with a heavy heart that I plan the next leg of my journey, for my life won't be the same without them all around me. Sigh. Everyone is planning visits to Korea. Ha!

So I'm off to Korea. Never thought I would say THAT. But here I go. The job hunt was a struggle, but I landed a job at an all-girls' public high school in Anyang (any-yin-yang, as my mother said today). Forget the horror stories: I have heard them all. This adventure is going to rock. So then comes the amazingly complex visa process. Holy cow. I mean, C told me this was a bit of a pain, but I wasn't really paying too much attention at that point (how very only child of me). So my (hopefully) last time at the Korean Consulate will be tomorrow at 3 pm. And they tell me I'm off on a plane on Monday. long last. And the timing could NOT be better: L and J as well as L and M are moving this weekend and with my adoration for all things organized and artfully arranged, I would be a perfect companion for both couples as they trans-Toronto move.

Angry, early morning Joelle on our way to the consulate...

You know you have arrived in Toronto when you see this sight...I LOVE this picture...

The Korean Consulate, Avenue Road, Toronto (and yours truly)

I'm going to try to post some pictures from the Bon Voyage party at A and D's house last weekend. I will avoid posting the offensive pics that L steered clear from, but that the rest of us just could not resist. These are they, public, that get me through the day. My parents should be in the picture too :)

I'll post again once my flight is booked.

Annyeonghi gyeseyo!