First, every SINGLE thing that has happened to me up to this point has BROUGHT me to this point. Since this point is pretty much the most amazing thing I've ever done, my life up to this point must also be equally amazing. So thank you to ALL of you who have played a hand in what has made me who I am RIGHT NOW. Because it is QUITE a joyful existance.
Second, I am blown away at how much of my childhood (and subsequent adulthood) has been influenced by my Austrian heritage. Geraniums, liverwurst, cheese in small foil wrappers, schnitzel, vanilla kipfel, wool, slippers...the list goes on and on. As you might have imagined, since it is my tendancy, I have taken a million photographs and will share when there is a computer available that will let me upload. Not so lucky today in the hostel lounge.
Third, I miss my mother. I wish she was here with me. Strange right? I can't remember the last time we traveled together (Ottawa in first year?), but I know how much she would love it here and so it feels somewhat vacant with her not here.
Lastly, I VERY blessed. I have known this for a long time, but today it was solidified. I am just in a significantly better place now than I have ever been, and for all of the gifts of education, wealth, employment, friendship, family, emotional stability, and equally feeling as though I DESERVE all of these things, I am eternally grateful.
I hope you are all having wonderful days. And if not, know that I am and eventually, you will too. Much love.
Oh, I finally finished Lullibies for Little Criminals today on the train. What a heart-wrenching book. Not for the faint at heart, but quite an interesting tale nonetheless.