Saturday, July 25, 2009

Long Live the Giller

I just finished "Late Nights on Air" by Elizabeth Hay, the 2008 winner of the Giller Prize. Good old Scotiabank, picking good books. Though the book took a bit of getting used to, as it was much smarter than me, much like my Physics students, once I caught up, I was taken. Two parts of the book caught my attention...

"Mr. Funk, the poet and dictionary publisher, had complied a list of the ten most beautiful words in the English language, namely: mist, hush, luminous, murmuring, dawn, chimes, lullaby, melody, tranquil, and golden."

"My dad was something of a mystic," he added. "Like the Celts, he believed we're made up of invisible currents. He used to say ther are 'thin places' where we're closer to the unseen world."
"Name a thin place."
"The ocean. You stand next to the sea and you're in touch with all your longings and all your losses."
"Longings and losses," repeated Harry. "That does sort of sum it up."

Happy reading.

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