And the view from his tomb? Remarkable...
This is the Han River, with Seoul spreading out on the left side of the water. Several bridges span the waterway and the view was just outstanding.
We walked over to the Generals' Burial Ground (the most decorated generals are here) and this is their view. It's similar to the late president's, but not quite as grand (as it's lower). I'm not sure what mountain you can see behind the city, but isn't that view amazing?

Adorable Korean women. They are always so friendly to me when I'm exercising: hiking, yoga, running. I'm not sure what it is, but they gravitate to me then and only then. How cute are they in their matching outfits?
This is the main temple set back from the main road a little (away from the views of the river). The Chinese characters (why are they Chinese and not Korean? I have no idea) above the door (in gold) say something about "big temple". This place is a little too small for a temple stay, but it was neat to be there anyway: I got a glimpse into what my temple stay might feel like in January (freezing!).
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