Then check THIS place out...
I have a feeling this is the communal kitchen, but I can't be sure. I just LOVE the idea of being a backpacker in Thailand. Wow...sometimes I still can't believe all this has happened.
You know, if you had told me that I'd be here on this day two years ago, I'd have said you were nuts. Just picturing my life back then, imagining years more of a life like that, makes me sort of sad for my Former Self. But life is amazing: just when you feel you've taken the biggest knock out ever, everything turns around and you get to fly to Thailand with your Bestie for two weeks. I feel like I'm living in a parallel universe. Luckily there isn't another Me living unhappily in a life she'll never leave. Luckily, there's just This Me...and I'm pretty damn happy.
Things always work out exactly as their supposed to.
I also officially registered for four nights at the Temple Stay. I'm going to go this time, not duck out to hang out on a gorgeous island like I did for Thanksgiving. I leave on January 3 and return, rested and meditated, on January 7. I leave for The Big Thai the next day. This is SO exciting! Lordy, if you had told me I'd be going to this winter wonderland in the foothills of the South Korean moutains two days after New Years, getting up way before the crack of dawn to meditate, I wouldn't have said you were crazy. I would have shaken my head and said, "you don't know me." Life's remarkable.
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