Monday, May 31, 2010

My Newest Aquisition

"This flower ring is the essence of me. One of a kind, filled with fire..."

"And a little too much."


If you can hold out, don't see Sex II until I get home. Then we'll go together. Speaking of which, the girls and I are planning a trip to New York in August. Yippee!

Alicia called me today while I was talking to Laura to go over "The Summer Schedule". What a hoot...there is no better way to start a morning off right than to talk to your besties as they enjoy a margarita or watch their husbands read about spiritual guidance.

I can't wait to get home!!!

Script courtesy of

Documenting the Day After in Gangnam

The ride over...

The Aftermath of The Mexican...

The Alcove...

The Men...

The Crouch...

The Mock (due to Tommy's glittery face)...

The Accident...

The Sex Shoppe...

The Dance...

The Tree...

The Confusion...

The Patio (swoon)...

The Bevies...

The Chilling...

The Embarrassment...

The Election...

The Irony...

The Weekend Trio...

Darn Tootin'!

Friday night was supposed to be low-key. Until we found out that Chris' band was playing at Slang, so we showed our solidarity and headed over for some dancing and frivolity.

Side note: I realize that this is a yucky picture of me. I just wanted to show you my nautical-themed outfit of the night.

The somewhat mystical pool table...

...and the band performs.

We should be flattered when Korean men continuously join us on our weekends. They sit down, talk to us, introduce themselves, buy dried squid for the whole table, then follow us to our next destination. I just get sick of being told how small my face is by the umpteenth time in one night. I know it's small. I just know, already.

But I never get tired of cozying up and taking some shots of the love being passed around.

...purple wine teeth and all :)

I'll tell you how I feel about a night shared with those I affectionately call my friends...

...darn tootin' I'm having a good time!

Only 31 more days until my contract is up! Yikes!!


I forgot my
stick at home. You know, the memory stick thing that plugs into my computer that is permanently attached to me at all times? THAT stick. I'm sick from lack of stick. No pictures, no Dexter episodes, no previously recorded information that truly matters (like the record of what I have done in each of my 24 classes). Sigh.

So now that I'm stickless, free if you will, I have no blog update for this weekend. It'll have to wait. I did, however, finish Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. That was nice. I'd give it a 5 out of 5, for sure. Some snipits, if you'd like...

"I also understood that two Confucian ideal ruled our lives. The first was the Three Obediences: 'When a girl, obey your father; when a wife, obey your husband; when a widow, obey your son.' The second was the Four Virtues, which delineate women's behavior, speech, carriage, and occupation: 'Be chaste and yielding, calm and upright in attitude; be quiet and agreeable in words; be restrained and exquisite in movement; be perfect in handiwork and embroidery.' If girls do not stray from these principles, they will grow into virtuous women." (seems easy enough, non? I scoff.)

page 24

"Everyone needs clothing --no matter how cool it is in summer or how warm it is in winter -- so make clothes for others without being asked. Even if the table is plentiful, let your in-laws eat first. Work hard and remember three things: Be good to your in-laws and always show respect, be good to your husband and always weave for him, be good to your children and always be a model of decorum to them. If you do these things, your new family will treat you kindly. In that fine home, be calm of heart." (I like the idea of, "being good"...that might just be enough for me.)

page 77

"You can cry and beg to come home, we can grieve that you have gone, but you --and we--have no choice. The old saying makes this very clear: 'If a daughter doesn't marry out, she's not valuable; if fire doesn't raze the mountain, the land will not be fertile.'"

page 79

"Her restraint and control taught me a lesson I have not strayed from to this day. You may be desperate, but never let anyone see you as anything less than a cultivated woman."

page 128

"We spoke delicately about the essential elements that must be in place for a baby to take hold and whether or not our husbands obeyed these rituals. Everyone knows that the human body is a miniature version of the universe -- the eyes and ears are the sun and moon, breath is air, blood is rain. Conversely, those elements play important roles in the development of a baby. Since this is so, bed business shouldn't take place when rain pours off the roof, because it will cause a baby to feel trapped and confined. It shouldn't take place during thunderstorms, which will cause a baby to develop feelings of destruction and fear. And it shouldn't take place when the husband or wife is distressed, which will cause those dark spirits to carry over to the next generation." (Is that what thousands of barren couples have been doing wrong all this time? I wonder if there's any merit to this...)

page 141

"The classics tell us that, in relationships, the one between teacher and student comes second only to the one between parent and child." (This helps to explain why the Korean students revere their teachers as much as they do.)
page 178

"The Chinese character for "mother love" consists of two parts: one meaning 'pain', the other meaning 'love'. " (I'm fairly certain The Mother Hen can attest to this. What a job motherhood is.)

page 268

I'm probably showing Glee in my After School class today.
Lazy? Perhaps...
Tis a good day.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Done and done

Shalaina started her race in Ottawa on Saturday at 6:30 pm, and I started mine at exactly the same my time zone. It was really incredible, actually: I felt like I was there somehow, running with my friend just like in the old days :) I finished in one hour and ten minutes. Rather remarkable, considering I was dealing with The Bum Leg. Here's Yours Truly before setting out at 7 am, looking rather excited.

I must say, of all the clothing I brought to Korea, the running jacket is probably the one item I wear most. Highly recommended if you like to get outside here.

Hope your weekend was good too!

Friday, May 28, 2010

False Alarm had to reschedule :(

More news to come I'm sure. As for's an outdoor celebration tonight in Beomgye. After all, there are only 34 days until my contract is done done done!!!

This calls for a glass of bubbly!

Good Day!

I had to venture into Seoul to extend my visa today. It was an amazing experience. I'm not kidding: I booked an appointment yesterday for the right time today and when I got there, I sauntered right in. It was remarkable. Of course I told the school it took
hours to get 'er all done: hate to paint the immigration folks with a bad brush, but a girl has to get a day off when she can ;)

Anyway, I can stay in the country legally now until my flight leaves...thrilling. And I have the ticket to get home in my hand: awesome.

So tonight, until my interview with the English school at 7:30, I'm packing up my winter clothes to send home. I'm allowed to take two pieces of luggage that don't exceed 50 pounds. Yikes. At least this transpacific flight, I won't be lugging 40 pounds of toiletries. Looking back, I'm still glad I brought those (for your information). It's nice to have some amenities from home when you first move.

Oh, I've also started capturing images of things I'll miss from Korea and things I definitely won't miss from Korea. I'll post it at the very end of the blog...sort of as a wrap up. And, as Jamie so eloquently pointed out, Adventures still Abound, so why not keep the old blog going? Life in England will certainly be worth documenting, non? I hope so!

One last thing...when I finally had my ticket booked, in hand, I called my Mum to tell her. I'm pretty sure she was fairly close to tears. She said what she always says: "I can't believe you're in South Korea. It sounds like you're right down the street. You get better reception than I do." She literally says it every single time I call her. It's hilarious. I then showed my Korean Mum the ticket. She cried. She asked, "Did you call your Mummy?" Phew...certainly glad I took care of that. Why is it that mums know everything?

Wish me luck...London's calling in 20 minutes!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Over the Lunch Table...

Beautiful Girl said to me at lunch today, as we both mowed down on my sliced apple,

"What is the American proverb?

If doctors eat apples, their pale skin will turn red?"

"Um", I said giggling uncontrollably. "I think you mean, an apple a day keeps the doctor away."

"Yes", she said proudly. "At least I got two words right!"

Korea, sometimes you make me love you.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Torture Continues

Though you may think this picture has absolutely nothing to do with this post, I certainly do.
Hands, like health, need to be handled with care.
Hence the gloves from the Spring/Summer 2010 Yves Saint Laurent show.
Image courtesy of

I returned to the acupuncturist last night. I was there for almost an hour and a half and I've never been so uncomfortable. Well, that's not true, but I tend to forget times when I was uncomfortable, so this is the most recent memory I have of unpleasantness.

With my rear end completely exposed, the doc proceeded to pierce me with about 35 needles. I lost count after 25. They were all up my lower back, on my ass and down my right leg. Not
exactly how I wanted to spend my time.

When it was done (and my book nearly completed), I felt a thousand times better, truly. Walking was actually possible without hobbling. Huzzah!

I awoke this morning, however, and all was back to what it was yesterday morning: I can't walk properly. Eff!

In a bizarre twist of fate, Black Dress (apparently my new best friend) told me to go to the second floor of my building. Apparently it's not a fracture clinic, but a rehab clinic. I guess they have massage therapists there and she tells me it's cheap. Away I go.

So much for the run on Sunday :(

Flight Drama

To clarify...

The school has to pay for my flight home. And they have to pay for the most direct flight home as well. That means I'm opting for the direct $2,000 Korean Air flight. However, they have 30 days after my contract ends to pay me back for the flight. And dishing out that kind of dough now means I'm without it for two months. I just don't want that to happen.

Them paying for it directly (which is the other option in the contract) means that I don't have to shell out any cash of my own. Nice-uh.

Progress...and then regress

The school has agreed to pay for my flight!

definitely beats out the reimbursement. Who wants to dish out that much cash for a flight? Not I. I'm SO happy. I'm so happy, in fact, that I was beaming when I told them that I was not staying. Wowza...that felt good.

And then I had a class. It's a pretty low-level bunch of humans, as illustrated by the graphic art I saw on a t-shirt on a gal in the front row. This was by far the highlight of the day.

I scream, you scream,
we all scream

You said it, sister. Holy sh*t.

Thanks, Korea. You've put a smile on my face.
I'm off to be tortured by the acupuncturist now :(

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Forget It

This website is great. Check out where this post-it was left here.

My school has offered me a new contract. Not a re-signing of my contract (where I would be entitled to a raise and 2 weeks of extra vacation to go home or to travel), but a NEW one. I would go two months without pay and they offered me the same salary, however, also gave me $100 extra per month to go towards housing. Nice.

As a result, I'm trying to be NICE as Alicia advises me to do, and then forget it, as advises me to do. Sometimes it's all I can do to keep my yap closed and not just laugh aloud. Sometimes I actually succeed in this ;)

So I thought about it. Matt and I scoured the area trying to find a better apartment (let me tell you, ours is PARADISE compared to some of these dives), and finally found one that is wicked awesome.

So yes, I thought about staying. For a moment in time. I thought, hey, this life is easy, this life is comfortable. I have extra work that would continue, extra classes at school in the new English Zone (finally) is pretty good.

And then I came to my senses. And that was that.

Yesterday the administration and Black Dress met me in the freezing cold principal's office. They wanted to know my final decision. Since I was not prepared yet to give them this, and all I wanted to know was if they were going to pay for my flight home (instead of reimbursing me on August 1...yikes!), I was unprepared for said meeting. No matter though.

"So just to reiterate", I said, "let's review what the school is offering (note, not in writing...this is still just a verbal offer): no additional pay, no two weeks extra holiday, but a hundred extra housing dollars monthly. Right?"

"Oh, well no. We can't pay you that extra $100 and we won't have enough money to (wait for it) pay you in January. You'll get double pay in February, but you'll have to go a month with no pay."

I laughed.

Out loud.

Meeting over.

I find out today about the flight. Once they tell me that, I'll advise them I'm not staying.

After the meeting was over, I asked Black Dress if SHE would stay for

"Well, if someone really wanted to work, they would take anything", was her rather soft reply.

I asked again, "would YOU take that offer?"


Meeting over. Connection with Black Dress finally established.

And we wait...

Korea, you make me laugh.

Monday, May 24, 2010


We might need to explore the true meaning of, "natural death" when pneumonia claims the life of a 32-year old woman and her 39-year old husband dies five months later of a heart attack. We don't live in a third world country, and health care is certainly available to Hollywood's rich and famous. What's the deal? What a sad, sad occurrence.

image courtesy of

a Little Haunted

The Mother Hen sent this my way and I love love love it.

It's an odd day today...I'm sort of wishing I was home to celebrate the long weekend with my lovlies instead of sitting here at work, on this rainy day.

A Year of Rumi

by Andrew Harvey

Lesson 113: Sometimes

Sometimes in all this talk
I find a word

With your mark on it
In the blood of love.
And the worlds go quiet.

- Jalal-ud-Din Rumi
(Translated by Andrew Harvey from A Year of Rumi)

Enjoy your day, Ghost.

After the Sporting...

As soon as Sports Day wrapped up, we were whisked away to the best meal I have eaten since arriving in Korea. Though Shabu Shabu is fabulous, scads of fresh, fresh, fresh tuna sashimi is WAY better. It was AMAZING. Our principal has been away on training for some time and he made it by the end of the day to compete in the fast walking competition and to show me off to some parents at this dinner. What an honour.

Our Meal...

Recently caught tuna, frozen on the ship, served slightly thawed.
It tasted like the sea.
I have never enjoyed fish so much.

Edamame, roasted garlic, quail eggs,
and mushrooms for dipping into delicious hot sauce.

Fresh and spicy radish sprouts.

Egg souffle/flan to heat up our mouths after the cool fish.

Kelp wraps, soju, and beer.

QUITE the meal, I must say. Perfect way to top off a great day :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sports Day

Thursday was Sports Day virtually everywhere in Korea. The weather was phenomenal, the kids were in high spirits, and it was just a great day to be outside.

They started off with a (tear-jerking) bang...the National Anthem. You know how I feel about singing groups: they make me cry like a banshee. This was no exception. I was actually grateful for the few kids and teachers who insisted on talking through the song. That way, I was contained a bit.

A few of my babies...

Here's a uniquely Korean event at Sports Day...
The tug o' war:

My babies and I...

Beautiful Girl's Class (there she is at the bottom)...

Yours truly rounding the corner in the final event of the day:
the teachers' fast walking race...

Not my Korean Mum

From left, a kid, my Korean Mum's best friend, EunZoo Lee (pronouced, "Un Julie"), another kid, Yours Truly, another teacher, and Black Dress.

All in all, it was a pretty fabulous day.

How fabulous? This fabulous...

I hope your Thursday was just as great.