Summer in Korea is far superior to winter. And since my experience of the weather has been that it goes from one extreme to the other in a matter of days, I think it was in keeping with that same tradition that we had the first onset of summer last night only days after wearing our winter coats.
If you recall, I posted that on October 31, we were having quite seasonally amazing autumn weather. The very next day (November 1), it was freezing. And the freezing hasn't stopped since then (save a few days in February). I wasn't built for winter like this...six months was pushing it. So to say it was high time for a night out on the patio.
And by "patio", I mean hanging out in Beomgye on the plastic lawn furniture at Family Mart. It's just how we roll in Korea. Believe me, we aren't alone. The Koreans do it too, not to mention hoards of other foreigners. It's great to be outside again.
We all had the day off today,
so it was a great excuse to get together
on a Tuesday night.
so it was a great excuse to get together
on a Tuesday night.
I endeavoured to snap these adorable kids in matching gym uniforms, but I got my leg and chair instead. Perhaps I was subconsciously trying my hand at creative photography...
I knew the night was going to be a good one when I was surrounded by these folks...

...and these ones...
...and of course these lovlies.

I love that Korean characters sometimes spell out something in English.
"Old Tit Day"?
"Old Tot Day"?
"Old Tut Day", perhaps.
"Old Tot Day"?
"Old Tut Day", perhaps.
I suppose that like life, comical signs are what you make of them.

We had "an incident" this weekend. Michelle put sugar in my coffee (this is the cardinal sin of morning) and I kind of lost my cool (a little more than what was warranted, I'll give her that). Hence the presentation of a packet of white sugar (lifted from the Family Mart), so I'd "never run out." Hilarious. Sigh.
I suppose we all keep one chair empty for someone.

To be surrounded by friends,
to banish negative thinking,
to think clearly and speak freely,
and to quit taking ourselves so seriously ;)
I'm certain that makes for a good day.

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