Coffee spilled, sunglasses nearly broke, but we were happy as clams.

I think I might buy some Starbucks shares, given the amount we drank this week.

I might sound like the penultimate tourist, but this was EXACTLY like the movies. Swoon...

And the trinkets! Oh how I love taking pics of trinkets :)

And the Whoopie Goldburg? Nice.

Times Square...off to get tix for Broadway. Sigh.

Oh, loved this sign.

Me. In the subway.

Us. In the subway.

Alright...here is the crowd at TKTS...the ultimate place for cheap...sigh...Broadway tix.
What I wanted to see (because of Matt Weaver and Glee)...
What Laura wanted to see...
Laura getting her way...

Translation: the seats for Promises Promises were far worse than Le Cage aux Folles, and the price wasn't much different.
Actual translation: poor me. At least we got to see Kelsey Grammar!!! "Tossed salads and scrambled eggs...quite stylish."
Alright, what would a post be if not full of kids? I found this one on Broadway after the famed one liner from the photo store guy. Let me tell that story first...
I walked into a camera store on Broadway near TKTS. I asked for a memory card, about 2 gigs is all I needed, or so I thought (wound up overusing the 8 gig stick I ended up buying over the course of the next two weeks...yikes! What IS a gig anyway? I still don't know). The gentleman giggled when I balked at the price: $299.99 on sale for $199.99. I'm serious. He told the guy at the cash register, "It's $49.99."
I stared, open-mouthed at this man. Was he joking?
I replied, "Are you serious? That card is worth $12."
"I believe you, sweetheart," he coyly retorted. "Welcome to Broadway."
Anyway, we continued on to the Duane Reade drugstore for, as it turned out, more than water, and lunched just outside on the closed-down portion of the street where fashion was being displayed. I love the city. And I found this kid. I eventually carried his damn chair for him because I'm a sucker, but god was he cute struggling a bit with it...

And I need to note that this pic was taken with Laura's supreme camera. though my new blue one is swell, it does not hold a card to her mega-beaut.
Loving lunching on Broadway...

BFF's loving each OTHER on Broadway...
And then we hit up the Empire State Building. After asking a man at the door if this was actually the Empire State Building and then being asked out on a date, we headed up the 86 floors in a few short minutes. It was breathtaking.

Laura's failed attempt to get us all in one shot...

The Man Walking By's successful attempt....

I still just LOVE Asian kids...

Um, east side? Not really sure. It was a hazy day, as you can see, but boy was it remarkable up there :)

Ah yes, that flag...
Have I posted this one already? I don't know...oh no...this is the one she calls, "Laura's Boobs"

The Yellow Cabs...

And then, we hit up Broadway. Thanks for the camo dress, Laura ;) LOVES it!

On our walk to the show...


Le Cage aux Folles...

The Girls are THRILLED at this point. Me? I was too once I saw Kelsey Grammar, I must admit!

Alicia, loving life after the show...

And then we went for a drink at Upstairs, the bar above the Kimberly Hotel on 50th Street. It was 12:45 and the place closed at 1, but we were told to head up. When we arrived, we were told we could have one drink, ONE DRINK at THE BAR, and then were showed TO the bar. Um, we know where the bar is. We got our drink, then promptly headed outside to enjoy the namesake of the bar: the view upstairs. Duh. Ten seconds later, we were told they were closing and that we had to leave. We were thrilled. Oh well, it was fun nonetheless to spend 15 dollars for a drink and then be rejected ;)

On our walk to the show...


Le Cage aux Folles...

The Girls are THRILLED at this point. Me? I was too once I saw Kelsey Grammar, I must admit!

Alicia, loving life after the show...

And then we went for a drink at Upstairs, the bar above the Kimberly Hotel on 50th Street. It was 12:45 and the place closed at 1, but we were told to head up. When we arrived, we were told we could have one drink, ONE DRINK at THE BAR, and then were showed TO the bar. Um, we know where the bar is. We got our drink, then promptly headed outside to enjoy the namesake of the bar: the view upstairs. Duh. Ten seconds later, we were told they were closing and that we had to leave. We were thrilled. Oh well, it was fun nonetheless to spend 15 dollars for a drink and then be rejected ;)
We finished the damn drinks.
Some of us seemed more finished than others...
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