I must admit to breaking the rules...my sweater was darling. Don't mind if I say so. How are your holiday preparations going?
My boss came by. It was nice to have her in our stunningly sophisticated home. Groan. God, I miss my stuff.
Oh yeah, and our sweaters matched. Because we made them. Good times.

Check out Ryan's sweater. This is the story.
Ryan: "Hey kid! I have a...holiday party to go to this weekend and I need a holiday sweater. Can I borrow the one you're wearing?"
Kid: "Yeah, Sir. Of course you can. I'll drop it off for you on Friday."
What a job we have.

I hope your celebrations are just as merry. As for me, I'm panicked now about getting ready for France. Only a few more days and Jamie and I will be sashaying along the coast.
QUITE the life.
Good day.
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