I've been itching to see the Kensington Roof Gardens for a long while now (oh, THIS is the long-awaited top-rated place in South Kensington, if you ask Yours Truly). Not sure if I read it here or not (where I get most of my non-touristy advice), but have heard amazing non-touristy things about them. Thought, sure, if I can find this place, I'm down. Down like Donkey Kong...or something. It's getting late...I'm still sorting through pics from vacay (my LEAST favourite past time, as you know). See? We have to stay on the positive thinking train. Argh.
Sure, we've all heard of Kew Gardens and the Chelsea Psychic Garden (I will still go when the weather improves), but this place was really unique (sounds like my centipede joke...groan). Without FURTHER ado ;) ...
The view from the top...
These are the outdoor, covered cabanas in the Spanish Garden. Even in the dead of winter (at a staggering 7 degrees, it was hard to call it the "dead" of anything), these were in this condition and completely open to the public. Don't mind if I do.
Looking out from the vacation spot ;)
There is a restaurant in the midst of all this: a really fancy schmancy place owned by Virgin. Yes please.
And right alongside the restaurant is this pond. Pond is open and inhabited year round by four flamingos (two females; two males) and a couple pairs of ducks. How adorable is this? Even more adorable when I tell you they then started walking toward me completely unabashedly. It was amazing.
I think she takes the cake for best shot of the day. Must say I'm totally impressed.
This lover-ly pair didn't even flinch when I hopped over to take their picture. There is something so ethereal about slightly domesticated wild animals, non? I didn't take advantage; didn't touch them nor get too into their business. But the quiet, subdued way they kept on sleeping, completely trusting in their poses was just magnificent.
On that day, this man was my hero.
Lovely dining area outside the restaurant...
Ah! You can see Kensington Square from up here!
View from paradise...
Elated much?
The restaurant and bridge. Can you imagine what this place looks like in the summer? I certainly tried.
A great view of the whole garden in all her glory.
Yet another view from the top...
And now, back on earth, I looked across the street and found the Evening Standard (if that helps you find the place in future!)
And here is the view from the ground.
Like I said, this was the highlight of the day. FAR exceeded my expectations...it was just too much. If a wedding is on the horizon for anyone and London is a possible venue, let me tell you, this is a fabulous option.
More later...
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