Hi-ho Readers,
I've had a lovely weekend and am easing back into the second to last week before The Big Trip to Italy and Spain. I've only 9 more school days left before I close the doors for good (well, for a fortnight at least) and visit with Mummy and Nathan. Ah...two weeks off work. THAT is something to get excited about.
So I usually have a gay old time visiting websites and blogs, getting inspired by what other people have posted, but as of late, I've been feeling a bit lackluster about material coming from the world wide web (with the exception of Cupcakes and Cashmere. She always delivers). What is the deal?
Is it the terrible winter weather that won't let up back in Southwestern Ontario (my current weather is pictured above...that's a park at the end of Columbia Road, yesterday)? Is it the fact that everyone is baby-crazy and won't write about much else (not that there's anything wrong with that: I'm just not there)? Is it that spring has sprung, but that we still aren't out enjoying it? What is the deal?! Even the morose blogs that usually give me some great emo music to listen to aren't doing the trick anymore. Do I have to be the next blog that people read? I don't anticipate that happening, friends.
I don't even have many stories to tell you from the land of teenage angst and whimsy. They've been pretty tame as of late, since the field has been open, the sun out, and allowances made to ensure they shake all their willies out. There haven't been any classic one-liners to make you giggle.
I should video myself in Bums and Tums. THAT would make you laugh your a** off. THAT would be a classic hit.
Oh, I guess I could tell you that I've recently booked a trip to Paris. I'm headed there on May 31 and will be staying at One Room in Paris. I have yet to talk to Nathan about it because though Sheila will be coming with me for the trip out there, she is only staying for two days, after which I'll be alone. If you or anyone you know ;) are interested in coming out, please do let me know. I'll be there from May 31 until June 4, and the room is 400 metres from the Arc de Triomphe. I'll take it. Flight was £71 return. I'll take one of those, too.
I will tell you this: I'm getting awfully excited about that Air Transat trip back to the Great White North. Erin and Jeffrey are also headed back to Toronto and I am SUPER excited to reconnect with them. Erin's so sweet: says she reads the blog all the time. I just can't get enough of that. I just feel like so many things are on the cusp of happening...it's hard to explain. It's like I have no emotion other than anticipation right now.
I'm beside myself with glee FOR the Mother Hen and Doug. They're off to Europe for a whirlwind adventure in Italy. Who does that? It's so cosmopolitan. I'm super stoked that I'm going to be in the HOT sun (not just the springy sun) in a few weeks, soaking up rays, eating paella, having a romp on the beach. That's wicked, right? I'm stupid excited to meet these munchkins that Laura and Jesse have put together. I just can't get enough of thinking of them in onesies and hearing them burp. I mean, who thinks about this stuff? I suppose their parents do, but there you have it: myself and their parents. We're psyched.
And now that I'm ever more comfortable in my role at school, I'm calm as a cucumber and don't have much out-of-school work to do. I know...woe is me, right? I'm not complaining...please know I'm not complaining.
I just wish someone would send me something tantalizing to look at and scintilating to read. Oh! Thanks to Erin for thinking of me and posting this ridiculously entertaining article about the one and only Anna Wintour on my Facebook page. Whoot whoot. It's long and involved, but the Empire of Anna is so worth the read. There is something about her that makes me feel MORE fabulous, not less fabulous the more I know about her. As if she's rubbing off on me ;)
You having a good day out there? Finding things to keep you fully entertained? I'm going to shake my tailfeather tonight at that class I keep mentioning. Bums and Tums...who names these things? I love Dartford for clever things like that ;) I might just stick around for some yoga afterwards. With all this nighttime sunshine, who needs to get to bed?
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