This image courtesy of Mark via Jamie! Thanks, guys!
Last Saturday, as has been planned for months now, a group of us (including one very brave mother and her three month-old child) headed to a baseball game. The Jays headed off (is this a good expression? I have no idea) against some team that was from another city, and played baseball. That's about as much as I needed to know. Apparently there were two home runs and a Grand Slam. I'll take it.

Thanks for this picture, Jamie!
I'd much prefer to showcase this spectacular entrance to the CNE, which I'm told is called Prince's Gate...
One of the most amazing parts about being in Toronto, for me at least, is the sheer magnitude of the CN Tower. She helps me get around when I'm lost; she is a beacon of majesty; she looks really good. I couldn't help myself...I threw in a few images of CN in all her glory all throughout this post. I'm sure you won't mind ;)
We passed Laura's office on Front Street...
...and marvelled at how amazingly well behaved Adeline was being. Great kids. (note: Ellie was left at home. Totally unfair, I know, but we made up for it in days to follow)
The live-action shot from the walkway to the Skydome Rogers' Centre...
Thanks for this pic, Jamie!
Perhaps what some might have come here for (not I, however. I came for the ladies!)...
You may or may not be able to read that player's name. It's WEAVER.
Wever? Hello Wever?
Miss you, buddy!
This might not be Mark's most photogenic moment, but lordy, was it hot that day. So glad you two could be there :)
Us gals (thanks, Mark!): Sarah, me, Leanne (the only one sporting a Jays t-shirt, might I add), Laura, Addy, and Jamie (they rallied and bought some Jays' hats, thankfully)...
Seriously? Addy was SO good, I can hardly describe it. She was calm, serene, and slept for most of the game. How adorable can a kid get?
When we walked Laura back to the car, however, Addy (the most miraculously calm child EVER) had evidence of having had a bit of an incident earlier. Um, suffice it to say that the Bob Marley onesie she was wearing was sufficiently stained and we had to completley disrobe her in the underground carpark in order to rectify the situation. Still she remained as joyful as ever. Love.
I clearly remember coming here when I was about ten and thinking this was the coolest place on earth because of this statue-thing. It was awesome to be back.
Jamie, this is how I feel about you spilling water all over the Blue Beast (after a few margaritas).
...and then
and just had to take the opportunity to jump on them. Mark suggested straight away that I plank. So plank I did. I might need more practice, non?
But then Sarah, Leanne, and I hopped on for some seriousness...
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