I missed Christmas at home last year and it was hard. That said, Christmas in Italy and in the south of France certainly wasn't anything to complain about. It's just that I missed that certain magic that comes with being home for the holidays.
I certainly got my fill this year. I was with my father and mother for a long time for the first time in a long time. It was a welcome change, let me tell you. I usually spend my time with friends when I'm home from abroad and this time I changed it up a little. My Dad was kind enough to organize some informal drop-ins with principals in our city, so I got a bit of exposure to the kind of school I hope to work in come September. More on that later. At Mom's, it was all about cooking and complimenting (as well as some Scrabble-playing). Pretty great way to spend the better part of a week, thinks I.
On Boxing Day, as is the annual tradition, we all piled in the car and headed to Niagara Falls to my Uncle Gary and Marcy's house. There were kids all over the place and I must admit I liked it (there was also cured meat all over the place and I clearly loved that). The drama from the day before (more on that later) melted away as we watched excited tots marvel over gifts and mow their way through mashed potatoes (or was that just me?). All in all, a great day, a great way to end the holiday season. Here's a bit of what I saw through the lens...
My cousin Mia got this talking, um, electronic rabbit of sorts and it actually responds when you talk "to" it. What a hoot. Anyway, the cousins couldn't keep their eyes off of it...joy abounds.
Sandra just loving baby time...
Marcy just loving sister time
Nonna was partner-less this day, but managed to do just fine opening up her gifts ;)
I still can't believe Carmen is getting married. Isn't she still five years old? Time does move on. Only five more months and she'll be a wife. Wow.
Loving my father's newly undyed silver hair. What a star.
And yes, Mia is wearing a Canada Day headband on her adorable (intelligent) little head. Well done.
Ah yes, we left with full bellies and rather full hearts. Thanks for having us ;)
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