Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Curse

Okay, I joked about the Swine Flu one too many times and now I think I have it. Of course, this is probably not true, but I am feeling rather flu-ish currently. I got home last night after a gruelling subway ride home and started to feel like death. I ate some delicious (why is "delish" spelled the way it is, but "delicious" spelled with a "c"? Again, the desire to be an English teacher burns bright.) pasta riddled with garlic and tofu (so very Italian), but still didn't feel any better. Needless to say, I slept all day today and feel a bit better. I think all my major organs are slowly failing due to ibuprofen intake (Alicia says you can take three at a time...I listen to the nurse), but I'm feeling far less achy.

I'm not trying to evoke sympathy here. It's just hard to be under the weather when your mom, dad, and Girls are all so far away. So I've decided to shake it immediately. One more good night's sleep and I'm back to business.

You know Munch, the same guy who painted, "The Scream"? He painted "The Sick Child" as well. Okay, it IS a sympathy grab. I miss you all :(

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