I went out last night, drank too much wine, and had a wonderful time. I ate cheese today along with four cookies (three were not baked). This is now considered "cheating" (and still considered disgusting): amazing how times change. I'm ready for bed though and my mom and I are supposed to Skype at 10 pm. How old am I? Who cares...I'm struggling to stay awake. Oh, and we watched two episodes of Glee this afternoon. What a perfect show. Yes Dave, I wasted my day. Tsk, tsk.
Oh, I was told about a code to call the United States. If you punch in 1600 0030 on your Korean cell phone, apparently you can call home. I'm going to give it a whirl when the time isn't so obscene in Canada.
We leave for The Big Thai in 31 days.
And we're wrapped up.
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