Joelle bought a house! It closes on December 30th, so she'll have a lot of packing and unpacking around the Christmas season. I'm so proud of her...she bought it all on her own! Super cool. This isn't exactly what the house looks like, but I thought I'd show a similar model ;)

Leanne and I finally got to talk via Skype about her wedding. She's hoping to get married in September 2010, which is perfect timing for yours truly, the Maid of Honour. If she can't book the barn (how romantic is that?) that she's hoping for though, they'll have the wedding at the country club in Barrie in Spring 2011. We talked about bridesmaid dress colour (gold or black), number of guests, flowers, and the like. She found these great flowers that look like white poppies. They're called anemones (like the creepy sea creatures).
Jamie and Mike curl (honestly, is this the funniest thing ever already? I think it's lovely that they are doing something in the community, meeting neighbours, being active in a traditionally Canadian way, but come on: it's hilarious.) with Craig's parents. Small world.
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