We were greeted by a strange sight when we left the museum (and I don't just mean The Texans turning into ninjas). The sky was an eerie yellow. We thought it was normal pollution mixed with a cloudy night, but learned later it was yellow dust. Apparently it blows over from even-more-polluted China and taints our air. Breathing it in is as detrimental as smoking a few packs of cigarettes. Good thing it rained earlier in the day and our propensity was to stay inside for the most part. Yuck. Check out the colour of the sky...
Fast forward past out night on the town (I was lax about taking pictures this weekend...I'm sorry) and this is how we ended the night. I happen to love love love 7-11 sandwiches. Everyone thinks I'm nuts, but just look at them! They look amazing! AND they have wicked Konglish on them that stuns and entertains! "Share with sand? Best mix 4!"
How can you not like that?
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