This weekend was fabulous. The weather was great, the company I kept was even better, and I got to talk to both of my parents. Great all around. Though, I still don't have a computer, so I've had to rely on the generosity of Matt to lend me his. Good thing we get along so well.
Even though I spent more time socializing this weekend than I normally do, I was also the most physically responsible I've been on a Saturday and Sunday, running both days and not resting once. It's pretty sweet when all the hard work I've put into building my cardiovascular strength pays off.
We went to a party on Friday for our friend, Jim, who is leaving South Korea. He's a staple here: one of those people who gave me a warm hug whenever I saw him, and reminded me of my father. This is what happens here: people leave. New people come and new friendships are forged, but man, is it a strange life. There is only temporary consistency, if that even exists. There's a big part of me that will miss Korea, the friends I've made, and the life I live here. It's easy; it's simple; it lacks responsibility. But that alone isn't enough to make me stay: it's time to move on.
The Texans stayed overnight on Friday. You know how I feel about love love. Saturday morning, Michelle and I went for some gabbin' and sippin' at Starbucks. Nothing goes down better than a strong cup of coffee on a cool spring day.
The quote at the top of this picture says,
"Life happens over coffee".
And how.
Matt called to advise us that he'd made a Southern Breakfast and to expect gravy. Damn Americans...what's with them and their gravy? I'm shuddering at the thought. "Life happens over coffee".
And how.
What else is new? Oh, Laura reported that Carolyn's baby "dropped" (I can't imagine that that feels very good), so we are going to have a new babe sooner rather than later. I'm so excited to see Little's amazing that people I've known since childhood are starting to become parents. Too cool. Here's a picture of Our Baby. Though it's two years old (can you believe it?), her beauty is still poignant and has only grown since this day. Love love love this child.

Speaking of which, here's an odd moment I'd like to share. Remember when you were about 12 or 14 and your parents said, "Cool", to you, as punctuation or to relay the "right on" message? Remember how violated you felt that they took your word and used it (even though it was originally hardly matters)? The Mother Hen still does this and it weirds me out every single time. New oddity: when Black Dress says, "Cool". Very, very strange indeed. Koreans don't say "cool". They say, "okayokay" quickly and as all one word. They say, "Neeeahhhh" (rhymes with "say"). They don't say, "cool". The violation is back.
I've been told I'm drummin' away on the school's homepage. Sure enough...I am. Oh Korea.
I teach a supplementary class for two hours tonight. I have some activities all ready to go (thankfully), so it should run smoother than the last one did. AND someone brought in Korean rice cakes's been a pretty good day so far. More pictures from this weekend to follow.
Stay classy, San Diego.
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