Solo along the path...

...only to be swarmed by people and their balloons seconds later.
Street scene. Don't you want to visit?
Kara in a tree. Our inspiration...
...for all of us to then get into the tree. Oh brother. The Koreans loved it though...and proceeded to follow us up for their own photo opp.

I'm in love with this pink. I'm in love with the spring.
Oh yes, this happened.

The cotton candy man, covered in the fluffy, pink stuff. Swoon.
Niki, Nicole, and Katie under a gorge cherry blossom tree:
After seeing the blossoms the festival had to offer, we headed down to the river to see what other sights we could drink in.

A delightful pink bike built for two. Swoon.
A little sad? Perhaps just a bit more artistic...

The gorgeous kites flying in the cloudy sky illustrated how I've been feeling for the last year. Sure, there are bad days. Really bad days sometimes. But why not rise above it and be the colour amidst it all?
...but it was this kid who captured my mood yesterday: joy. Just a boy and his plastic duck, with (oddly) four fingers in the air. Is there anything better?
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