I had a much-needed full day off on Saturday and spent it doing not much at all. Since I'm housebound, much to my chagrin, I found some lovely ways to colour my own pocket of the world. Spring has been locked out: I am locked in away from it's budding beauty...but I won't let that get me down.
I found this much out-of-season article that celebrates the darkness as much as right about now we are rejoicing in the light, the renewed, the rebirth. I thank the ceaseless efforts of bloggers much more seasoned and much more creative than I who find things like this first and post them for our enjoyment. I only hope to spread the joyful things I uncover to my loved ones. So this gem was found at hearblack (love this blog in case you haven't noticed!). Enjoy...
In an article entitled, "Why I Adore the Night" from guardian.co.uk, author Jeanette Winterson (appropriate name, as you'll read) explores the desire...no, need for natural darkness, and how important it could be to allow night to be a part of our lives. She writes,
"We now live in a fast-moving, fully lit world where night still happens,
but is optional to experience. Our 24/7 culture has phased out the night. In fact we treat the night like failed daylight. Yet slowness and silence -- the different rhythm of the night -- are a necessary correction to the day."

What a lovely thought for Yours Truly on this peaceful Asian spring evening. I hope your Saturday night is just as fabulous.
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