My physiotherapist ordered me to buy this back brace. How hot is that?
No seriously, it's over 30 degrees at 8 am here. I'm going to boil.
But really, what are you doing to do?
No seriously, it's over 30 degrees at 8 am here. I'm going to boil.
But really, what are you doing to do?
I'm trying to look awesome in it now.

I've resolved that for my last few weeks here, I will do as the doctor says and wear this...atrocity...but I will garner as much sympathy as possible and take all free gifts when offered, because I look positively ridiculous.
Perhaps I'll just start wearing Korean clothes and wear this under my clothes. And sweat my ass off. Literally.
Note: the doctor put this on me in the waiting room, in front of giggling staff, agog patients, and a critically injured man who had just been wheeled in on a gurney. I'm like Lady Gaga here.
Aside from all this though, let it be said I'm feeling a LOT better. All this resting actually has helped. I'm glad.
Oh! And I've resolved to quit saying the word, "glad". I overuse it and it isn't that effective a word anyway. I won't miss it. I hope you won't either.
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