On top of that, sitting two seats from a girl who vomited in the theatre just about put me over the edge. A bad movie AND vomit? Get me outta here.
Anyway, as usual, Katie put on a great party for us gals. Here she is with her dog. Up until that night, I couldn't touch this scabies infected thing. But for some reason (maybe it was the champagne), I really wanted to teach it some tricks. Anyway, here are some pictures from that night...
This seemed a very serious conversation. I assure you it wasn't. Perhaps we were trying to decide if my shiny blue tights were atrocious or amazing. I'm voting on the former.

Heather's Tom taught her that to look uber cool on the dance floor, make a face as if you've just smelled urine.

I'm getting a haircut tomorrow. Yikes!
Of course, when the movie was over, the vomit forgotten, there was a little cuddling. We all shared Katie's clothes, vowed to never give them back (especially the 5th Grade Graduation t-shirt Michelle was donning), and, yes, we sang Defying Gravity for maybe a bit too long. So what.
I'm pretty sure you'd miss them too, if you were leaving. And here we have it...the joy and the sadness that comes with every new change. In that spirit...
Have a great day :)
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