But as a solo tenant, I adored it. I love STUFF. The walls should be white-washed, the furniture kept simple, but lordy help us all if there isn't STUFF around. I love to walk into a place and feel the urge to just touch things. What kind of place is so lame and boring that visitors don't want to just pick stuff UP?
My Aunt Erika's house was always like that: stuff everywhere from places all over the world. I'm sure that now that they have more space out in the country, there are different things to touch, but I'm positive that it is still as glorious as it was in the city.
I just about fell over when Kate Spade's apartment was showcased on becauseimaddicted.net. You recall Kate Spade from her purses (Charlotte had one so small that her tampons wouldn't fit inside. "Kate must have a teeny tiny v*gina.") and though I'm not a huge fan (listen to me...I'm so discerning all of a sudden), I fell in LOVE with her house. Like, I'm curious to see if I can just marry this woman to move into her amazing place. Sigh.
Kate's not-at-all teeny tiny apartment is, therefore, going on the vision board. Yippee. Here's to beautiful homes and even more beautiful humans inside.
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