On Monday, it snowed all day in Salzburg. I got up late (considering I was sharing a room with five women...one of whom was 75!...9 am is late), skipped breakfast, and headed back up that glorious mountain for a run. It was wet, freezing, and I was playing with fire (of course, not literally, as it was freezing and wet) that I wouldn't get sick from a lack of smartly packed, proper running clothes, but out I went anyway.

Upon my return from the spectacular run, I met up with Sarah, a recent grad from NYC (originally North Carolina) for pasta and wine at Pasta e Vino. They made three pastas everyday...and only three. They served a cheese platter from the deli they had set up in the restaurant (as part of the classy decor, no joke...it was totally amazing in this place), and the wine was a-flowing. For only about $40, we ate and drank ourselves silly for two hours. I can't make this stuff up: Salzburg was amazing.
After this, as it was her first day there, Sarah and I parted ways. I wandered around, a little drunk, and wound up in this traditional Austrian shoppe:

To answer my question, "What does one buy that is so very Salzburgian?", the shoppekeeper gave me three entire shots of Austrian schnapps. Good god. Without a place to store this bottle of schnapps, without the restraint to not drink too much in one sitting, and without the desire to be completely hungover from the potent, sweet mixture, I thanked the woman profusely for getting me right tanked, and quickly proceeded back to the hostel to sleep off my stupor.
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