I haven't written about this because nothing was finalized, but here we have it: I'm moving. No, not home, lovelies, but to a different house. Here. I'm staying here. Lordy, just thought I should make that abundantly clear.
My roommates want to live like a couple, not like my roommates (imagine), and so I've been looking for a new place for a long time. It's hard to find a place that is close to school, conveniently close to the station (so I can get the eff out of Dartford), and nice enough to keep me in the lifestyle to which I've become accustomed.
So my new roommates are lovely and for the most part teach at the Grammar School next door to my school. Claire's boyfriend, Patrick works outside the education field. Needless to say, I really hit it off with these people and actually ran into my roommate Steve (who is the only Canadian aside from me in a sea of Irish folk) at the Trafalgar Square Canada Day celebration. Wicked.
Right. Since we are getting to the proverbial crunch time and I literally only have three more weeks here in this academic year before retiring in Toronto (what a lush life I have), I will do my best to document it like mad. I remember feeling SO overwhelmed when I was leaving SK. I was in pain, I knew it would be AGES until I saw my friends again, and all the life-changing stuff that happened there was going to be with me forever. It was profound to say the very least. Today, Sheila reminded me that I'd miss the time we spend having coffee, talking about the perils of dating in London and laughing about our kids. Hells yeah I'm going to miss this place...it's home.
Alas, I'll be back before I know it in a house in a GREAT neighbourhood where I have my own bathroom. What what.
Anyhoo, that's all for now. I've spent the day not working, trying to shake this cold I've been feeling for the last two weeks. Notice that even on the days when you're resting, you still manage to do laundry, shop, volunteer, and discuss the world's problems with your friends? That all takes far too much out of me on a regular day, never mind a day when I'm supposed to be taking 'er easy. On a better note, I had a spectacular day yesterday. Life is sweet.
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