Hopping into a cab with Ryan and his visitors from Canada, we were giddy at the notion that we all thought this was a barbecue but we'd heard rumors of a disco. What kind of party could this be?
Turned out, it was one good lookin' party. Ha! I guess that's besides the point.
This is what we paid a mere ten pounds to witness: a portable decked out with a bar and the tackiest decorations one could throw up on walls and in door frames. God, I love a cheesy party.

I'll take it.
I'll take it.
There were the obligatory grin-ny pics as we planned a summer away from the faces we had grown to know so well...
This is the whole lot of us, blurry and with a Brit hanging on to the glory that is a Canadian Picture. I guess we'll take that too.
Drinks were about £2 so it's accurate to say we had more than our fare share.
(Note: is this not the cutest picture? Yes, yes it is.)
Pete: more often than not, the Man of the Hour.
Emma, Emma, and myself.
Oh, but the love was flowing...
And, as usual, Jocelyn and I took our show on the road for some, shall we say, arty posing. Dear me.
For the last time as crew, we made it a great night.
Let it be said again, because it deserves to be said, you'll be missed immensely.
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