And inside. Yes, I ate three. Then after the picture was taken I had one more (the pink one, obviously!). You would have done the same thing...they were delicious! So about that gossip...
My Man quit his job today. He's leaving the school and going to work at the church. His aim is to become a missionary. I'm not sure exactly how one does that...if there's training involved, if he moves to another country, or if he spends all his days at the church. I think a lot of the message was lost in translation. Plus, he was very overwhelmed today as it was time for the administration to announce the news to the staff. I think that the most he could muster was, "I'm leaving to become a missionary." I asked him if it would take him to another country and he said, "Yes, I hope so as soon as possible." Whoa.
So there. My Man is now officially gone from the school. I told him that without him I would have been lost here in Korea, which is so true. He wanted me to promise to listen to all the Bible seminars. There was something so pure, so wholesome in his face as he said it: he really believes this with all his heart. We have different beliefs and I sure do respect the fact that he sticks to his guns. There's something to be said about being really, really sure about something.
I knew something was up: he was taking a lot of phone calls outside, being elusive, not talking to me ever since we were back from vacation. It was strange, but I assumed he was just gearing up for the new school year. Most of the teachers in the office are pretty much on edge about meeting the new kids and getting their lessons prepared. Sounds like any school, doesn't it?
In the spirit that all change is good, I bid him farewell and know that he will bring the same serenity, humour, and calm goodness to anyone he meets that he brought to me. Life at the school is sure going to be strange without him. He remarked that it was too bad I never got to meet his baby...that is too bad.
It was fitting that the day was a little gloomy today. Though not wet, my running effort was halfhearted (I was really hungry and not entirely responsible with my blood sugar)...maybe, though, I'm just a little sad.
Though nothing is for sure,
there sure is one constant:
there sure is one constant:
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