(This is my desk. The girls are front and centre, as is the Cancer Water Bottle I vowed to get rid of. It's not going to happen. Note the bouquet at the top right of the picture. This was a gift from a graduating student to Mrs. Lim. She gave it to me to brighten my desk.
It's made of straws and lollipops. It's crazy Korean.)
Plus, Spring has started to poke her little head out of the ground and stretch her legs. This was taken on my walk home...I love how the colours jump out when the temperature is low. Luckily, it got much warmer the next day.

Yesterday it was downright warm, compared to the frigidity we faced this week. Running was easy and I could leave my winter jacket at home when I went on the hunt for Things for My Mother.
So on Monday, my first official day back from holidays, I donned my black bell skirt, white blouse, and brown jacket, topped off with a black belt around my waist. And yes, here I am posing with said outfit on. With a pen. I'm so teacher-y right now. And it's okay...we can laugh together :)

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