There are many regular bridges allowing safe passage from one side of the river to the other, but it is these rocky paths that are my favourites. The stairs lead up steep embankments and lead to parks and roads. I just love the colour of looks dead, but I know that under all that brown cover, life is springing up like mad. I just love this time of year.
Here I am on one of the rocks, mid river. Amazing isn't it? Like walking on water.

And from that same spot, the view looking back towards home. When I'm here, I always remark to myself, "I live here." Asia might be strange and it still might be hard to adjust to my surroundings, but I can walk across a river and watch the sun set on it. I'm pretty lucky.
Said sunset :)
The pussy willows are just starting to come out. They're magnificent. They litter the entire river with their startling colour. Actually, they are the only thing along the path aside from the path itself, that is not brown. Gorge.

Needless to say, I had another remarkable day. I had umpteen hours of sleep the night before, so I was rested and feeling amazing. Plus, coming home to a care package (with Sour Patch Kids in it!) always makes me feel warm and loved. I rounded out week one of SELF with 33 kilometres on the pedometer and an amazing dinner at ShabuShabu with friends. I always feel very nutritionally satisfied after eating beef. Something about the Red Meat sits very, very well with me. I met a new gal named Heather who is also a Western Alumnus (whoot whoot, Western, Western, Western U!). She's dating Tom, the man who brought you such clever vernacular additions as, "staycation".
Nothing else new to report, really. Life is good, pictures tell the story, and I'm set to have yet another great day! I guess THAT'S what I'm doing here :)
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