Sunday, April 27, 2014

the Beauty of Brighton

When I run after school, my route is always primarily comprised of the university grounds.  I love that every university I have ever visited looks the same: tall, pristine buildings; well-dressed young people; tired-yet-eager faces; a touch of poverty intermingled with, in true actuality, amazing wealth.  I just think the environment is so great to be in overall: perfect for a positive running spot.  And have you ever noticed how well-maintained gardens are at universities?  Lovely.  So you'll imagine my surprise when a sharp turn up what I thought to be a short hill turned into THIS vista, overlooking the nearly-seaside countryside.  England, you've outdone yourself yet again.  

Vista, I'll be back.

Monday, April 21, 2014

A Walk through Haywards Heath

We're considering this little town as our next home.  
It's just so picturesque!

(and Victoria Park has this ping pong table to use for free.  Just ask inside the cafe for paddles and a ball!  Soooo not England.  Very Canadian, in fact!) 

I wasn't feeling well, so I spent the whole afternoon on this bench, reading The Corrections by Johnathan Franzen.  A pretty radical way to spend an afternoon, might I say!)

Mitchley Hill

Today on my run (first one back on the pavement since being diagnosed with pneumonia on Wednesday.  What the hell?!  I thought I had the flu!  Felt great to be outside though and even through the pollen and the shedding blossom petals, I was remarkably unaffected by the weather.  What a treat to run sleeveless again!), I stumbled upon this tree that was snowing blossom petals all through the air, scattering them over the road.  I thought it delightful that this time a few months back, I was watching as snow fell from the very same trees and now I get to see this.  It's not just me…everywhere I look people are SO THANKFUL for the spring this year.  I suspect that with climate change, winters will keep getting more harsh, and our tolerance lower.  I expect that come spring from here on in, we will look skyward more and more, thanking the longer days for bringing us all the pink and white and green we can handle.  I for one am unabashedly thankful for this.  

Easter in England

I had this really great hair to go with my great outfit, but then England and its rain kicked the sh*t out of it.  Ah well, dinner was great, it was a treat to spend time in someone else's kitchen, and naturally a joy to spend a little time with this fella.

I took Steven's nieces to church yesterday and explained "the story" of Jesus to them on the way home.  Quite a tale to describe to two little people, actually.  We take for granted after all that Catholic school education, just how much we know from that big book.  Very interesting to explain without inculcating.  Anyway, I digress.  Have a great holiday and enjoy the spring time xxx

Saturday, April 19, 2014

I baked a cake

This is truly not a euphemism for anything: I literally baked a cake.  

It might not seem like a feat for those of you talented at all things that require careful, painstaking measurement...

 …but for me, a gal who prefers to taste as she goes, adding more to make things just right...

…there is a lot of patience required for me to bake.
Alas, I did it.

Sure, it cracked on the right side, but once I cut it in three parts (horizontally!  This is no easy feat!) and tipped the top upside-down, all was good.

REALLY good ;)

Narrow Staircases and Fluffy White Beds

As the prospect of owning our own home grows ever more real, as my bank account dribbles down to new lows and the saving account towers to new heights, I naturally am drawn to images of what that future home will look like.  Found these beauties on Ethel & Bev and thought I'd share what our new bedroom could look like and what our new stairs will most likely look exactly like (and need for tiny storage containers will be paramount)…

Photos courtesy of Ethel & Bev here and here.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

A Spring Love Letter to England

Dear England,

If every single rain storm like the one you gave me yesterday,   

ends in the kind of bountiful, lively displays like I saw today... 

…I'll take it.

Welcome, spring.  Welcome sunshine.  

(Welcome back, sneakers!)