Saturday, September 18, 2010

It Passed Again

Mid-September passed again.

I didn't notice.

Strange isn't it?

Perhaps I did, subconsciously. Perhaps it's why The Ghost was present in my thoughts a few days back.

Slowly though, thoughts of that life, My Past Life, are slipping away from everyday.
I've learned there is a time for everything, however. And in time, and only in time, he will fade away. For now though, I'm quite glad that he still lingers there from time to time. Reminds me of times spent lying in grass in this small town park and the subsequent elation that came from fingertips touching after so many months of not. How could anyone want to forget something so sweet?

I'm certainly not ready to just yet.

Here's wishing you sweet thoughts today...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i listened to these days the other night;)