Thursday, May 8, 2014


I had an absolutely manic day today that consisted of marking on the train on the way in (pre-seven am), moving furniture around my room for lessons, having an impromptu meeting with the headmaster, starting an exam in the hall, teaching, observing two lessons, interviewing, meeting with bosses, and fielding the regular questions that come at the end of just about every day.  I've been in my bed, totally horizontal since about 7:40 this evening.  It's rewarding, and I'm grateful for that being the predominant feeling.  It was overwhelming, but only from the standpoint that my classroom/office now looks like a paper hurricane breezed through it midday, and cleaning that up will take some doing.  Alas, tomorrow is Friday, which always puts everyone in a better mood, despite the fact that we work on Saturdays, cramming in a little extra revision before exams.  And Sunday is Mother's Day: how delightful for you all :)

For now, I'll sleep.  

I'm vowing to write a blog post on the latest book I finished called The Joy of Living.  It was a great how-to guide about meditation, as well as a manual on the brain: how it works and what each developed layer of the brain makes us more and more complex individuals (when compared to, say, a kumquat or an amphibian).  Further, it talks about Buddhist's philosophies about our own personal journey and how to be kinder to everyone around us.  It was fascinating; a real difficult read; one I'm not keen to return to the library (hence it's already being about a week late).  I'm still working on it, however, and now is simply not the time.  

I hope your day was fantastic.

(Erin, loved your comment on the last post.  
Thanks for still reading and always taking the time xxx)

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