Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I haven't been blogging a lot.  I know it; you know it.  And now I'm ready to tell you why.

This is a two-pronged rationale that starts with something a little near and dear to my heart.  
I wasn't sure that we were sharing this as a family and not sure that it was my information to divulge, but it is my small, loving blog community, comprised mainly of friends from all over the world now, who have offered countless times in the past such amazing outreaches of sympathy, empathy, and heartfelt emotion that I'm sure this is a suitable venue to share.  My mother's husband, Doug, is ill.  I'm not sure what that means and I'm not sure for how long he'll be ill, but he's lacking a bit in the health department.  

So now, my mother, who has devoted her life to bringing calm, serenity, and sanity to countless people, is in a state of upheaval.  They are dealing with doctors and hospitals and nurses and treatment plans.  They are doing all these things out of necessity, rather than...well, for any other reason you do unpleasant things.  Anyway, there you have it.  Oh, and in case you see her and you ask how she's doing, she won't tell you she's, "fine" because she refuses to be fine.  She's, "evolving", which is both a hoot and a fact.  She's changing as the need for change arises and that means dealing with all the pain of adaptation.  She's strong though and he's in great health.  Together, I reckon, they make one hell of a team.

There's more, of course, more to share, and a second part of the two-pronged rationale behind my silence, but it's nearly late and I have a work day ahead of me tomorrow.  

More when I can.  Mom, I hope I didn't overshare...



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