Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year Brings New Parties

Since the new year was rung in, I've been keeping quite busy hanging around with my friends here in Korea. It seems the party never stops here now (hence the glasses!) We've been talking a lot about reverse culture shock, that phenomenon that travelers face when they return home after a prolonged time abroad. They experience a difficulty adjusting to how life was, after becoming so accustomed to their new life away. One of the hardest things to accept is that no one really cares about the life abroad: they want to hear the cool stuff, but not the everyday mundane stuff. Well, yeah. I don't want to hear about everyday mundane stuff either (even if it is from a different country!). I guess that's what The Blog is for: the everyday. I'll never need to talk about it again ;)

After many a poignant conversation about the fear that friends forget us before we get back home, and the relationships are strained upon arrival back, I have become ever more thankful that I'm as close as I am with the Girls at home. Though life happens wherever you lay your head and this sure has become at least a variation of My Life, I always truly feel that my (real) life is waiting for me back there.

So, as usual, I miss you all very much and really do look forward to seeing you soon. As for me, I'm officially off work for one entire month and will be prepping for The Big Thai all week. Leanne and I are getting very, very excited!

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