Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Great Debate

People Change.

I ascertain that people do not, in fact, change.

Actions change: this I acknowledge; but people do not change.

Take me for example. My mother claims I had this tendency as a child to get right ornery when I was out of a routine. I would cry, fuss, throw tantrums, as I got older, and would not settle properly unless I was in my own bed, on my own turf.

Fast forward to current day. My bed is a haven and I make sure that my bed is
always a haven. I have everything I need within reach, it smells like vanilla, and the amount of natural and artificial reading light is perfect. Why would I want to sleep elsewhere?

The same thing applies with the routines I've established for life. Since oatmeal with cottage cheese works (with this new New Years diet), why would I opt for eggs or toast? No thanks. I like a good, solid routine, don't like to defer from it, totally do
not appreciate that "play it by ear" mentality. No sir, no thanks.

Do people change? I think that people grow into themselves. Just like a snake sheds old skin (charming, right?), so too do we shed old habits that are preventing us from growing. And then, we grow. But all we are just finer-tuned versions of the Selves we used to be: we are not changed people. We are no less jealous, self-conscious, articulate, bad at kissing, good with our hands, or fond of cuddling. We are ourselves, grown up.

I believe it...I know it.

You were always this were always this responsible, this reliable, this loving, this devoted to the one you love. You were always this spontaneous, this daring, this charismatic, this energetic. You are YOU...grown up.

Your thoughts?

1 comment:

Nathan Michael Marcuzzi said...

A thought came to me one day pondering this exact subject. In fact, the thought was similar to yours:
People don't change, they become.