Sunday, February 26, 2012

Scrap of Paper

I found this written on a scrap of paper when I cleaned up the house on Sunday. It was a full overhaul. Eventually I have to leave this place and I'm amazed at just how much
stuff I've amassed in just over a year. Alas, the recycling bin is quite full at present. So on with the note...

It was ten years ago today that I lost myself to you.
It was then I knew
you'd be as much a part of me as
air and water,

family and memories,

weakness and strength.

You were just it.

I wondered what you were doing

lingering just under the surface

through the streets of Paris.

I guess I remembered that night...

those kids...
that pizza...
the beginning.

I love the feeling that comes with moving on. I love something new, something exciting. Leanne asked me recently if the Ghost was back and I told her that no, he is not.

But there is something in me that remains so connected with him, the start, the end, the joyful times in between (because what's the sense in recalling the awful ones?)...

When there is a change
when there is a new horizon I remember us with the kind of fondness that would be impossible to articulate.

It's like there is a little part of me who wants to share all my good news with him because I know just how he'd look at me, just what he'd say, and know that he knew...somehow that makes the good news...great.

Weird eh? Maybe this is the last phase: the coming back to the start after putting it all behind me. Maybe this is just awesome.

(side note: I've used up all my available data on the blog, so won't be able to post pictures until I buy me some space. Nearly 20,000 times this blog has been viewed...thank you for reading it xxx)

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