Monday, September 21, 2009

See you in OCT

The hottest math teacher ever ;)
Alright, teachers. It's time to rant. About what, you ask, and rightly so. About the Ontario College of Teachers. Now, since I'm (nearly) a member, certified and registered with them, I wouldn't dream of speaking ill of them, but know that I am a little disturbed right now with the whole organization.

It's not like they did anything wrong, technically they didn't at all. I was the one who didn't apply for registration, like, months ago. Okay, so I'm to blame. But really, couldn't they just have told me they needed all this stuff? Argh.

To make a long story short, I thought I could just send them the money to register and that would be it: our affair would be over and I would be A Teacher. Low and behold, I forgot that they also need proof of identity and an original police check. Shoot...and I'm in Asia. So I'm sending all this stuff and you are probably wondering why it all matters...who cares if I'm a teacher in ONTARIO...I'm a teacher in Korea.

Well, in order for me to take that math course about which I was so excited, I need to be registered with the OCT. Anyhoo, I know this isn't really important. The nitty gritty was eventually ironed out and Western was so wonderful: they are allowing me to take the course, pending my eventual certification/registration with the college. So everything's not lost, as Coldplay would say. I just ordered the required textbook online in CD form and I hope it gets to me by the time my first assignment is due on October 11. My first assignment looks great: 250-500 words on the first chapter of the book (gulp! Really hoping it gets here on time).

What's the book called? The Joy of X. How funny is that?

I didn't have to teach today (yippee!), so I was busy with all this OCT/Western/textbook stuff as well as keeping up with Shalaina and her latest antics. I love it when I get a SUPER long email from someone from home. It makes me feel like we are together in a living room, eating cheese and drinking wine ;)

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