Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Recent Gifts

Friends of mine have recently bought me a better-than-a Nettie Pot and a onesie. The Nettie Pot (or the sold-at-Zellers counterpart), in case you don't know is this saline-filled plastic bottle that one uses to squirt up one's nose. The saline goes up the sinuses and filters out the opposite nostril. When Laura taught me how to use one, she coined the phrase, "Stand up like a real person." Well said.

The onesie is a real doozie. It's a long nightgown (which I haven't slept in since I was eleven) made of flannel. I mean, what more could a gal ask for on a winter's night? Bhahahahah...hilarity tends to ensue after teaching for five periods today, tutoring for an hour, and marking book after book of homework.

These might be the best gifts I've ever received.


Not only are my sinuses cleared on the regular, but I'm wrapped up in this envelope of warmth and, might I say, complete sexiness ;)

Night night!

1 comment:

Leanne said...

I can't believe you are actually wearing that beast - please send a picture!