Thursday, January 12, 2012


Image is mine from Granada

I don't know what the weather's like back home, but here spring is certainly in the air. Crocuses are in bloom and try as I may to coax the blooms on the magnolia trees back in, sure that snow will certainly barricade us in our homes for at least a few days at a time before the official launch of spring, they keep on pushing through.

It got me thinking about resilience. When the snow does come, those buds will die. Or hibernate. Or something scientific. And then they'll come back again.

All that energy, all that photosynthesis they spent making those precious buds will just be replenished...made all over again.

Waste of time? Nah. It's an exercise in resilience.

We build and build
only for it all to come crashing down.
Then we rebuild it all over again.

We heal until the wounds are clean,
then we hurt again
...and then again we heal.

Life is all about throwing us curve balls and our ability to dodge them, hit them, or just bounce back (eventually) when we have been hit is the name of the game.

To hide in the winter shell, afraid to expend what precious resources we have is just silly. Spend it all! Live it up! You'll probably get frost-bitten and lose a few precious petals, but c'est la vie.

Spring it up.
I'll take it.

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