Monday, October 26, 2009

Adorable Treasure

I just found a video on my camera that my cousin, Sarah, shot just before I left for Korea. I thought it was her sister, Mia, just babbling on about something-or-other, but I discovered (after putting my ear up close to the speaker on my camera) that she's actually telling a story. So without further ado, because I know you'll enjoy it that much, here's Mia's story:

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. Her name was...Sarah. And she was very small. She makes her breakfast, she makes her...all business (biscuits?). But she didn't have anyone to play with! She was all alone and she didn't know which way to GO! She even had a mailman and the mailman said, "No, I don't have any mail."

I can't make this stuff up. She even says it like, "Saaaaaaa-rah". Note that the actual Sarah is almost as tall as I am. Please also note her perfect grammar. The kid is three. Thought you might like that :)

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