Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sports Day

Thursday was Sports Day virtually everywhere in Korea. The weather was phenomenal, the kids were in high spirits, and it was just a great day to be outside.

They started off with a (tear-jerking) bang...the National Anthem. You know how I feel about singing groups: they make me cry like a banshee. This was no exception. I was actually grateful for the few kids and teachers who insisted on talking through the song. That way, I was contained a bit.

A few of my babies...

Here's a uniquely Korean event at Sports Day...
The tug o' war:

My babies and I...

Beautiful Girl's Class (there she is at the bottom)...

Yours truly rounding the corner in the final event of the day:
the teachers' fast walking race...

Not my Korean Mum

From left, a kid, my Korean Mum's best friend, EunZoo Lee (pronouced, "Un Julie"), another kid, Yours Truly, another teacher, and Black Dress.

All in all, it was a pretty fabulous day.

How fabulous? This fabulous...

I hope your Thursday was just as great.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Is that Korean rap or karoke??? LOL