Thursday, November 25, 2010

Loser Roll

Do you ever feel like you are on a loser roll? You know, you wake up late, you burn the toast, your sandwich is soggy, kids are horrendous, your feet are cold, dinner options consists of the most paltry of condiments, and though you are exhausted, you still don't manage to pack 'er all in much before 1 am?

I love it when people write me about loser rolls. We've all been there. Cheques bounce, we run out of toilet paper and are forced to use paper towel, the man you want to call simply does not. I LOVE loser rolls. Because the great thing about them is that tomorrow (pending enough sleep), is a chance to make it all a stellar day. And hey, since we've all been there, we all know we will perservere through it.

I am certainly not on a loser roll. I feel like a million dollars after some amazing news the other night, some ultra posh running wear came in the mail from Mummy and Doug (thank you SO much), I had a great weekend, and really good classes this week. Yeah, there are downs, but the ups have been quite delightful lately.

LAST night, we had QUITE the downfall of snow and it just keeps falling now. Chances are that school will be closed or, at the very least, the kids will be here in much smaller numbers.

More soon, since I can write today, if all goes as planned.

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