Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Cleansing Days Make Me Feel Fine...

My mom pretty much knows all things. And when the Gospel of Heidi comes down, I get out my pencil and paper and take note. So today, she wrote me that a naturopathic doctor told her how to battle the Swine Flu. Get your pencil handy...
  • Take Vitamin D
  • Do not consume sugar under any circumstances
  • Sleep a LOT
  • Use the cool socks treatment (dampen lightweight socks, put them on, then put fuzzy wool socks over top. Sleep.)
  • In the shower, rub your lymphnodes to stimulate circulation
  • If you are feeling fluish at all, do not do anything that stimulates your heart. Just sleep.

Okay, she has spoken. Go out and stay healthy. This is why I love my mom: "do not do anything that stimulates your heart." I love it. She always was a stickler for a good night's sleep. Thank you, mom!

Day three of the cleanse: I'm tired though I slept last night for over twelve hours. Last night, Matt made cookies and I licked the spatula...about 20 times. Other than that, I've refrained from all animal products, dairy, wheat, sugar, alcohol, and coffee. I really want white toast with jam and a hot coffee with lots of milk (I really miss coffee). I've decided that eggs are an acceptable food for this cleanse, though they are an animal product. I just can't make tofu appealing enough to get rid of the eggs. So far today I've eaten an egg and rice for breakfast (having run out of oatmeal and not having the get-up-and-go to find more at an alternative grocery store), tofu and salad with a hot sweet potato for lunch, and several cups of hot water to stimulate something or other. I forgot my hard boiled egg in the freezer (I put it there to cool off enough to pack in my lunch), so I'll be starving by about 3. Can't wait.

Oh cleanse, make me healthier.

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