Monday, November 2, 2009

things that go bump in the night...or morning

This morning I heard knocking in the hallway. Assuming it had something to do with Matt, for some reason, I opened my door to check it out. And there was our neighbour Tom, in his gitch. Just knocking, standing in the hallway, in his scivies. Exactly what is so urgent that you can't put pants on?

Turns out Matt (his direct next door neighbour) is a little loud and wakes Tom up every single morning with some strange banging. So he's asked him to keep it down. Awwwkward.

Of course I was reminded of the other time I was stuck in a dorm-like setting with paper-thin walls bass pumping at 3 am; when my upstairs neighbour Kevin (ugh, to be read with disdain) kept me awake all the time. So much so that my urge to maul him was far stronger than my heightened sense of hearing. In short, I feel Tom's pain.

But really, the underwear? Poor Matt...

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