Friday, February 5, 2010

Working Part-Time

Well, this is it, friends: working part-time is the life for me. How else do you have time to make great meals, work out, learn Italian (no, I still haven't started, but I WILL, so there), watch the Real Housewives of New Jersey, make sure your hair looks supreme everyday, and just sit around planning your next move?

I just think that some people were destined to be work horses: they do well under a heaping pile of papers in the proverbial inbox. I too like to be uber-busy. But when in Korea, and having a second job is illegal, and teaching in a vocational school means that not many children want to have supplementary (read: dopo scuola) English conversation classes, being
BUSY the way I'm used to just isn't in the cards. So I think it's better to be completely not busy. Hence the desire to only work part time.

That's not to say that I don't have prep work...that hour I spend getting classroom materials ready is time
in addition to the two full hours I spend in the classroom. Phew...getting tired already. I hope you read this the way I intended it: either a) completely honestly and in the spirit of "I'm totally marrying for money next time around" or b) entirely satirically...who really thinks this way? I can't decide which suits me more today: a) or b). Let's just say I have some time to mull it over. And to roll my eyes at the absurdity of my situation.

My mom posted something on her Stresschat blog ( that made me crack up. She said, "Finally, I don't take myself too seriously." It's so true: she doesn't. The woman has a cure for anything and everything that ails you, she is taking over the world one counseling patient at a time, and she's a really great cook. But never does she take herself all that seriously. What a riot. Rest assured, mother, I take you that seriously. And you're great. Voila done (A-Leash, we need an Italian version of "Voila Done!" The literal translation is "Voila Fatto" and that just doesn't have the same ring, does it?).

Lastly, who isn't planning a trip to Italy while I'm there? Gosh, seems the world is on board with me on this one. I guess Italy is a bit more romantic (hahahaha) than Korea. Nonno is talking about bringing the cousins, Mom and Doug are totally in (I think Mom's booked the villa already in some northern province), I'm pretty sure Dad is in for Backpacking Part II (but this time, he'll stay in glitzy hotels instead of scuzzy hostels), Alicia and Dave are starting The Big Save, and Diti and Leanne have expressed that there is no question that they will be visitors at least once.

Benvenuto alla vita dolce!

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